2024 Recycle Colorado Policy Resources for Legislators

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Learn about Recycle Colorado Policy & the bills we are supporting

Producer Responsibility One-pager  Waste Tire Bill One-Pager C3E Position Paper


Encourage the JBC to vote yes on CDPHE’s recommended scenario for Producer Responsibility for Packaging & Paper Waste Tire Fee Reauthorization
CDPHE Colorado Circular Communities Enterprise Fund (C3E)
HB22-1355 will provide free, convenient recycling access to all Coloradans with no added cost to consumers or local governments. A Needs Assessment was just completed with implementation scenarios. CDPHE will present a recommended scenario to the JBC in March for approval to expand recycling in Colorado through the implementation of Producer Responsibility. Encourage the JBC to approve the recommended scenario which will add recycling services to an additional 700,000 households that currently lack services, shift the cost of recycling programs to the producers and away from local governments and taxpayers, and cover the full cost of a transparent and equitable recycling system.  The Waste Tire Management Enterprise (SB24-123) is a bill to renew the waste tire fee in order to fund rebates, illegal tire cleanups, and CDPHE regulatory activities through 2040. This bill proposes to distribute the fee to CDPHE to use in their waste tire program and to a new enterprise fund which will administer the rebates, fund illegal clean-ups (in coordination with CDPHE), and distribute grant funds. This allows a new board composed of experts in waste tire management and sustainability, along with local government officials, to work together to promote the recycling and responsible handling of waste tires, while also allowing CDPHE to continue its regulatory work. The Circular Communities Enterprise Fund (C3E) is a bill presented by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). This bill would combine two of Colorado's waste diversion grant program funds into one enterprise fund. The combination of the Recycling Resources Economic Opportunity Program (RREO) & the Front Range Waste Diversion Program (FRWD) would establish the Colorado Circular Communities Enterprise Fund. This bill would also make updates to the Pollution Prevention Act of 1992 to improve CDPHE sustainability services.
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