The strength of the recycling industry grows from the grassroots up, from volunteers and entrepreneurs to the communities and industries that build out our infrastructure. Recycle Colorado is proud to celebrate this year’s 2021 Recycling Award recipients, who are recognized for their ability to adapt during a challenging year and also for keeping on as they always have, with diligence, creativity and perseverance.
Policy Committee Call for Nominations: Respond by July 2
The USDA National Resources Conservation Service announced the availability of up to $15 million for the Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG) classic program.
EPA’s 2021-2022 SBIR Phase I solicitation is now open. EPA is calling for small businesses to apply for Phase I awards for up to $100,000 to demonstrate the feasibility of developing and commercializing an innovative technology under an SBIR solicitation topic. Topics include:
Students, from all elevations of Colorado, competed for just three conference scholarships awarded by Recycle Colorado this year. The recipients are from the University of Northern Colorado, University of Colorado Denver, and Western Colorado University. At the virtual Summit for Recycling conference, students will learn about career opportunities in the recycling, materials management and sustainability fields, while connecting with private businesses, local government, nonprofits, and university representatives.
The purpose of this RFA is to fund projects that lead to new opportunities to divert waste from landfills. The intent of this solicitation is to offer “mini-grants '' through a simplified application process for small-scale projects that meet the goals of the RREO program.
Let's flip the script from telling the same old story about our waste woes to instead shining a brighter light on our recycling accomplishments. The history of how the recycling industry got here is always important to understand, but the solutions and immense progress often get ignored. “The scientific and engineering advancements that the recycling and composting industries have achieved are phenomenal, with more on the horizon,” said Kristin Kim, executive director of Recycle Colorado. “Our collaborative problem solving is something that we can all take pride in on a community and government level.”
The current RFA focuses on advancing community waste diversion in Front Range communities. Eligible applications will range from communities or local institutions taking the first steps of waste audits and initial planning or comprehensive proposals for full program design and policy adoption, to cities with more mature programs applying to increase participation and reduce contamination.
Students’ commitment to recycling is alive and well, as shown by their creative and informative artwork. Today, Recycle Colorado announced the winners of its 14th annual poster contest. Every year, students in kindergarten through 12th grade take up their pencils, markers and computers to showcase their artistic talent and recycling know-how.
A grant program that supports elementary school waste reduction & recycling programs. Schools accepted into the program receive $2,000 over 3 years, personalized assistance achieving their goals, and support from our partners and local member schools.
Each year Recycle Colorado seeks nominations for our annual Recycling Awards. These prestigious awards recognize governmental entities, individuals, companies, organization and media for their excellence in recycling or promotion of recycling.
Recycle Colorado is seeking candidates for its Conference Scholarship Program. The scholarship provides funds for college students to attend the 2021 Summit for Recycling virtual conference.
There’s no watercooler or coffee shop talk, so virtual networking (#vNetworking) is what’s on trend! Leading the way is Recycle Colorado with the launch of our inaugural membership appreciation event, which embodied the organization’s quick pivot to the virtual world and use of affordable platforms.
The purpose of the program is to fund implementation projects that lead to new opportunities to increase waste diversion as well as to create jobs. Projects may focus on waste reduction, recycling, composting, anaerobic digestion, repurposing, or reuse for a wide variety of materials.
All of Colorado’s K-12 students are invited to showcase their artistic talent and their commitment to recycling by participating in Recycle Colorado’s 14th Annual Recycling Poster Contest.
Small Manufacturer’s Advantage (SMA) is a partnership program providing integrated support to small manufacturers across Colorado by leveraging the coordination of key strategic organizations such as Manufacturer’s Edge, the Colorado Small Business Development Center Network (SBDC), the State of Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), and the World Trade Center (WTC). The result is a unique and powerful synthesis of expertise and resources designed to help Colorado manufacturers succeed across all stages of the organizational life cycle.
Special Guest: Sarah B. Jones, Steamboat Ski and Resort Corp.
Congratulations to the following candidates who were elected to the Recycle Colorado Board of Directors for a three-year term.