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Circular Transportation Network Addresses Barriers to Recycling in Rural & Mountain Communities
Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 1:00 PM MST
Category: Other Events

Does your business struggle to recycle due to a lack of access to hauling? The Colorado Circular Transportation Network is a new program designed by the Circular Economy Development Center and Front Range Transload to pick up select materials, such as plastics,
film, cardboard, paper, aluminum and down-filled products, for free from rural and mountainous areas that experience barriers to recycling. The collected materials will be aggregated and sent to end markets in the region where they will be processed and remanufactured into new
products. To learn more, join us for a webinar on December 10th at 1pm MST.

You can also visit the CEDC website and contact staff at [email protected].

Register for the CTN Webinar