Community Conversation with Denver Urban Gardens
Wednesday, April 03, 2024, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM MDT
Category: Other Events
Denver Urban Gardens invites members of Recycle Colorado, to our first Community Conversations with DUG dinner event. Join us as we gather to kick-off Earth Month and share personal sustainability practices that honor our planet Earth. WHERE: 1031 33rd Street, Denver CO. Posner Center for International Development WHAT: Community Conversations with DUG is a dinner series designed to offer a gathering space for casual conversations centering on food, climate, and community. Join us for a potluck-style dinner and community meet-up. You are welcome to bring an item to contribute, but one is not required for attendance. Attached is a flyer to share with your network. This gathering is open to all ages and everyone is welcome. RSVPs are encouraged - Sign up here! |