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Snack & Share
Thursday, September 19, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MST
Category: Recycle Colorado Event

Join us during your lunch hour to network, learn, and have fun with the Recycle Colorado membership! 

Each month we will host a spotlight presentation which will allow you to learn about the various industries and recyclers across Colorado. RSVP below to be added onto the calendar invites. All members and non-members are invited to attend.

Spotlight Presentation: Tour of GreenSheen Paint Facility

For those of you heading into the front range for the Annual Meeting, this is the perfect time to stretch your legs after your drive! We will be hopping offline for our September Snack & Share and meeting at the GreenSheen Paint facility in Denver for a tour of their facility. GreenSheen Paint collects and processes recycled paint products, producing a new paint product. 

Check out the upcoming Snack & Share presentations
Watch previous recordings of presentations