Snack & Share
Thursday, February 15, 2024, 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM MDT
Category: Recycle Colorado Event
Join us during your lunch hour to network, learn, and have fun with the Recycle Colorado membership!Each month we will host a spotlight presentation which will allow you to learn about the various industries and recyclers across Colorado. RSVP below to be added onto the calendar invites. All members and non-members are invited to attend. Spotlight Presentation: Glenwood Springs Compost ApplicationLiz Mauro and Dan Roper Walking the Talk on Sustainability: The City of Glenwood Springs Parks Department is diverting organics from the landfill and using bulk compost made from those materials in their projects. The City of Glenwood Springs owns and operates a Class III composting facility at their South Canyon Landfill which produces STA Certified compost. Dan Roper from the Parks Department will share his experience and recommendations for buying and using compost and soil blends made from compost. RSVPCheck out the upcoming Snack & Share presentationsWatch previous recordings of presentations |