Proposed changes to the solid waste regulations regarding composting

The Solid Waste and Materials Management Program of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is proposing changes to "Section 14 - Composting" of the Regulations Pertaining to Solid Waste Sites and Facilities, 6 CCR 1007-2 Part 1.

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Now accepting nominations for 2024 Recycle Colorado Board of Directors!

For the 2024 year, we are looking to fill 5 new board of director openings. We encourage members with varying backgrounds and perspectives to nominate themselves or someone they know for a position. Most board roles are filled by a member for three years, but if you are interested in a one year term, please let us know. 

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Organics Waste Diversion Study RFP

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment is seeking proposals for a study on the organics waste diversion in Colorado.  The purpose of the this study is to evaluate policies and strategies to increase organics waste diversion, create actionable parameters for organic waste diversion infrastructure development, and outline options for future policies to increase organic waste diversion. For more information regarding this RFP, please see the information below.

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CDPHE Seeking Applicant for Producer Responsibility Advisory Board

The Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling is accepting applications for a vacancy on the Producer Responsibility Advisory Board. This individual will represent the manufacturer of recycled paper products seat and continue in a two-year term that ends in December of 2024. We are accepting applications until September 11 or until the seat is filled.

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John Giordanengo turned a business school revelation into research on two global systems

Recycle Colorado keynote speaker from the 2023 Summit for Recycling featured discussing his book in the Colorado Sun. Learn more on how John was inspired to write "Ecosystems As Models for Restoring Our Economies".

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Estes recycles to the max in record-breaking event

Estes Valley residents showed up in force on Saturday, August 12 to support Estes Recycles Day, with a record-breaking turnout of 504 cars and trucks unloaded at the Events Center parking lot.

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Open positions available on the Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission

The Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission has open positions for members representing the regulated industry and government/academia.  Information about the commission is available on our website:

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Why a Colorado mattress recycler sends old mattresses to the landfill

Spring Back Colorado, the Commerce City nonprofit, is desperately trying to figure out how to recycle pocket-coil mattresses affordably. It’s a challenge for the entire industry, even in states with mattress recycling laws.

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Apply for the Circular Economy Administrator role with the City & County of Denver

Climate disruption is here. It is past time for Denver to aim for zero waste citywide, build a circular economy, and implement the policies and programs envisioned in the Sustainable Resource Management Plan.  CASR is seeking a Circular Economy Administrator to help lead the environmental policy work of the Zero Waste and Circular Economy team. The Circular Economy Administrator will oversee the analysis, development, and implementation of policies that support waste reduction, reuse and repair, recycling and composting, and circularity.

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New Study on Food Residue Levels in Residential Recycling Stream

The Foodservice Packaging Institute, the trade association for the foodservice packaging industry in North America, recently commissioned an audit on materials in the residential recycling stream to determine whether levels of food residue on foodservice packaging (i.e., pizza boxes, paper and plastic cups, clamshells, and aluminum trays) differed from food residue levels on food contact packaging items (i.e., paper ice cream tubs, peanut butter jars, and food cans) that are traditionally included in recycling programs. The study found that a vast majority of food contact and foodservice items in the recycling stream were rated as a level 1 (defined as clean packaging with no food residue) or a level 2 (defined as, clean packaging, with some crumbs or staining from oils). Read the full study summary here: FPI Food Residue Study 2022

Request for Proposals: Summit County Construction & Demolition Policy Creation

High Country Conservation Center (HC3) is seeking interested consultants to submit proposals for the development of local government policies requiring diversion of construction and demolition (C&D) debris from the Summit County landfill.

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Find and Fund your Entrepreneurism Through EPA's Small Business Innovation Research Program

As part of its Small Business Innovation Research program, EPA seeks proposals from small businesses to develop novel environmental technologies in various topics areas, including: 

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CoCo is looking for a Marketing & Sales Director

CoCo is a zero-waste start-up based in Denver, CO. They collect food waste in addition to providing a sustainable, local delivery service. They are on a mission to make composting mainstream. They are a catalyst for environmental sustainability and a more equitable world.

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Circular Colorado awarded contract for the Circular Economy Development Center

Circular Colorado, a Colorado based nonprofit operated by previous Recycle Colorado staff members Laurie Johnson and Amy Randell, will help Colorado reach its waste diversion goals. By supporting and expanding Colorado's existing and new end markets for recycled materials, Circular Colorado hopes to increase the regional demand for materials. 

Read the full article on Circular Colorado & the CEDC

Learn more about Circular Colorado

The Potentially Everlasting Life of a Bottle

What happens to a bottle you toss in recycling? Does it get rinsed and refilled? Crushed and repurposed? Or end up in a landfill? Possibly any of those but it depends on where you live. Jamie Sudler of H2O Radio followed a beer bottle to find out what happens in Denver, Colorado.

Read and Listen to the full article

Good Business Colorado Executive Director Position + Call for Mentors for GBC Policy Pitchfest

Good Business Colorado (GBC) is looking for someone who believes in the GBC mission and can help take the organization to the next level. If you can think of anyone who might be a good fit, please check out the job description and information on how to apply. They will be accepting applications through July 31st.  

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DOE Announces a Consumer Electronics Battery Recycling Funding Opportunity

On June 12, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy announced a $125 million funding opportunity for recycling, reprocessing, and battery collection authorized by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to grow and secure America’s battery supply chain. Projects funded through this opportunity will:  

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Goldfinch is looking for a Summer Intern

Goldfinch is a Denver based Recycling Company. They are looking to hire a part time paid intern for the summer. 

Read more about this opportunity and learn how to apply!

Sustainability Specialist opening with the Town of Eagle

The Town of Eagle, a dynamic, recreation-oriented, and growing community, has an excellent opportunity for a skilled and proven Sustainability Specialist.

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Learn more about Waste Interceptors

Philip Griffith is a new Recycle Colorado member, looking to make an impact in the state. Using his waste WIN -waste interception now - methodology he has been able to cut the waste bill on a test property in half. They have then invested that savings in recycling. It more than pays for itself. He could cut the waste bill in half again. One of the highlights, is the capacity to intercept shrink wrap and all forms of film, Styrofoam, pallets and just about anything that ends up in the dumpster but has a recycling answer.

Learn more about his processes by watching his Green Team video!