Appointments Made for Producer Responsibility Program for Statewide Recycling Advisory Board
● Caroline Mitchell, City of Fort Collins, Municipality seat (3-year term)
● Jake Niece, Ouray County, County seat (2-year term)
● Gail Garey, City of Steamboat Springs, Non-Front Range local government seat (3-year term)
● Richard Kattar, Swordfish Consulting, Materials recovery facility seat (2-year term)
● Nicole Willett, GFL Environmental, Recyclable materials hauler seat (3-year term)
● Clinton Sander, A1 Organics, Compost facility seat (2-year term)
● Elizabeth Chapman, Recycle Colorado, Non-profit seat (3-year term)
● Scott Saunders, KW Plastics, Packaging supplier seat (3-year term)
● Steve Priddy, WestRock, Manufacturer of recycled paper products seat (2-year term)
● Scott DeFife, Glass Packaging Institute, Trade association seat (3-year term)
● Christopher Howes, Colorado Retail Council, Retailers association seat (2-year term)
● Junior Ortega, Asociación de Jóvenes Unidos en Acción, Environmental justice seat (2-year term)
● Barrett Jensen, Waste Connections, Landfill with recycling seat (2-year term)
Congratulations to Recycle Colorado's Elizabeth Chapman on the nonprofit seat appointment as well as all other Recycle Colorado members who were appointed. We are excited to see what the future of Producer Responsibility has for Colorado!